Message from Me goes to Atlanta
"The Message from Me training allowed the Hollis teachers to learn how to utilize technology in their classrooms to help their students develop stronger communication skills. This unique app is developed with kids in mind, and teachers at Hollis have already begun implementing the program in their classrooms. I'm excited to see what comes next." - Tamara Peason, CEISMC
On January 28, 12 teachers from the Washington Cluster of Atlanta Public Schools attended a Message from Me workshop at Hollis Innovation Academy. The training was hosted by PAEYC’s Katie Gullone and the CREATE Lab's Emily Hamner, in partnership with CEISMC, the CREATE Lab Satellite in Atlanta
(pictured above: Katie and Emily walk participants through the MFM setup)
The day began with an overview of how young children typically use technology in the classroom. Teachers and trainers discussed ways that Message From Me can start student-centered conversations in the Washington Cluster.
Participants then used their iPads to photograph student activities in their school and shared them using the Message From Me app.
(pictured above: Teachers take photos to share on MFM)
(pictured above: CEISMC's Tamara Pearson helps participants set up MFM, including Hollis principal, Diamond Jack)
Through an ongoing partnership with CESIMC and the CREATE Lab, teachers at the Hollis Innovation Academy plan to implement the program school-wide in the 2017-2018 school year.
This work is supported by the Infosys Foundation